
First official onsite ADMIT partner meeting!


On December 11-12, 2024, the ADMIT consortium met in Maastricht, Netherlands, to discuss progress on their work integrating generative AI and large language models (LLMs) into higher education.

The first day featured updates on key project areas, including mapping the impact of LLMs, developing ethical guidelines, and designing professional development programs for educators. Each work package presented its findings, sparking constructive dialogue on challenges and next steps. Day two was dedicated to peer learning activities, focusing on course design and sharing practical approaches for incorporating AI into teaching and learning.
Exciting things coming up, so stay tuned!

AI Revolution in Education

This innovative document brings together the main developments driven by artificial intelligence (AI), a powerful tool that offers practical solutions for teachers, students, parents and academic institutions.

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Creative Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Education

This open access book explores the synergy between AI and education, highlighting its potential impact on pedagogical practices. It navigates the evolving landscape of AI-powered educational technologies and suggests practical ways to personalise instruction, nurture human-AI co-creativity, and transform the learning experience. 

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Get to know the ADMIT team

Official Kick-Off meeting of the ADMIT project

On the 15th of January 2024 the ADMIT partnership kicked-off the start of their project. The 3 years ErasmusPlus project coordinated by EADTU is aimed at creating an Inclusion Reference Framework for higher education institutions along with practice-oriented instruments to assess and enhance inclusion policies and practices. This enables leaders, intermediary educational support services, teaching staff, and students to improve inclusion across all levels—course, curriculum, and institutional. 

In all successive phases of the project, institutional partners develop synergies, will leverage their expertise and experience. The project aligns with the concepts of inclusion, equity, diversity, and inclusion challenges as defined by the European Commission, reinforcing the shared European language and approach. Inclusion challenges encompass disabilities, health problems, educational system barriers, cultural differences, social barriers, economic barriers, discrimination and geographical barriers (Erasmus+). 
These challenges are encountered by individual or groups of students throughout their entire academic journey, from pre-access preparation, fair admission, personalized learning and study progression, equitable assessments and examinations, and adequate preparation for their future careers. 

Do you want to know more, stay tuned!